Thursday, July 26, 2007

My most valuable thing

is my parents becouse my parents is always there to help me and give the advise how good to do and i feel so much i love me and thank you so much to give me my parents so very appratiate!

my spectation+

100% he is a bery humble and never ku sya di nakitang nagalit! i love sir and promise sir this coming xsam i do every thing para makapasa this coming medterm xsam!hope you trush me sir!thax to read my short masage fore you!

my expirience in prelim

drabeh im so super super nervous couse im not ready to take the xsam and i know my grade and this prilim xsam is very lower and im sad now!huhu but i think thise coming nex xsam i do my best!

IT boy

becouse he is fany fore me how to read and i choose IT boy couse im a tsoy person!